Simple Woman's Day Book

Posted by Annie On 2/28/2011 12:37:00 PM 4 comments

Simple Woman's Day Book
FOR TODAY 2/28/11...
The last day of February! Good grief. I don't understand how that's possible. HOWEVER! It's blogiversary week!!

Outside My Window...
melting ice... a college campus... sunshine - sounds like the start of "senioritis" if you ask me.

I am thinking...
I am both motivated for this semester and over it at the same time. I am on my 6th week I believe. 6th out of what 16? 15? I don't really know. I have 10 more Mondays left. 10. That's not so bad. But the thought of being done is so exciting.

I am thankful for... my friends. They are so good. This weekend was a whirlwind. This weekend had a lot of heartache. But this weekend had some great times... from a cosmic bowling birthday party, to a housewarming lay around on the floor conversation, to an Oscars party that was ridiculously fun... I am so thankful to have such great people in my life. 

From the kitchen...
Last night at the Oscars Party everyone was supposed to make a dish based on a movie or the Oscars. Because Mr. Bean and I are fairly crazy/noncommittal/out of our minds... we made an Oscars Ice Cream bar.... you could have a shake for each movie:
1. Inception Shake - dreamsicle (orange pop and vanilla ice cream)
2. 127 hours - shake with candy rocks on top
3. The Sour Patch Kids are alright - sour patch kids blended into vanilla shake
4. The fighter - fruit punch and vanilla
5. Winter's Bone - MINTers Bone (mint chocolate shake)
6. The Social Network - "Where my peeps at?" shake (vanilla with a peep on top)
7. True Grit - Ned Pepper's shake (dr. pepper flavored)
8. Black Swan - chocolate shake. We're boring I know
9. King's Speech - Royal CROWN shake
(ok so we had to stretch for some...)
and the piece de resistance...
10. Toy Story 3 - In honor of the character "Ham" -  a Shakcon... bacon flavored milk shake. bacon and vanilla ice cream.

try it.

Fleck of Color for the day… My pup-a-roo Ellie. I was playing guitar this morning before class and she climbed up on the couch and snuggled up next to me... then she started knocking my hand around with her nose... then she tried to climb between me and the guitar onto my lap... but she just wanted to be with me. aww...

I am wearing...
Practicum clothing. Dress pants, nice cami, button down sweater... yeah I'm all professional and everything! I even have real trouser socks on - oh la la.

I am creating...
A session plan for next week. A revised assignment for a class. Another revised assignment for a different class. A journal entry for a class... BUT the coolest thing is that I am finalizing plans for this week's blogiversary celebrations.

I am going...
to hurry home as fast as I can because now I miss my puppy! and my husband. Also, I am going to have to go out and feed the meter some more silver pretty soon or get a ticket.

I am reading...
and rereading assignments, articles for upcoming assignments, and books for class.

I am hoping...
that preparations for the future become permanent plans and that things work out. (see the meditation below) **Sorry this is cryptic - more info to come later** ALSO! I am hoping that you ALL stay tuned for this week's anniversary celebrations

I am hearing...
the guy next to me, he's recording a guitar track onto the computer. Pretty good!

Around the house...
I need to clean up after hurricane "weekend" swept through. I also need to play the level I am currently stuck on in "Epic Mickey".

One of my favorite things...
my good hair days. Today is almost one of them... I am going to say it IS one, but I am also choosing to ignore the crazy little wispy hairs that are sticking straight out. AND! Right now I am loving the blogiversary giveaways this week!

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...
meetings, meetings, meetings, and more MEETINGS! Also, I need to learn how to make and actually make a gluten free - fructose free birthday treat for a co-worker for tomorrow's birthday lunch at the office.

"You're will be done..." followed by, "Give me strength to do it."

Here is picture thought I am sharing...
she's just a little baby


4 Response for the "Simple Woman's Day Book"

  1. J Jones says:

    Hey! Don't forget about the AMAZING baptism you went to. ;)

  2. Emily says:

    On the subject of good hair: we were getting ready to go out on Friday while lamenting that I only have hot rollers, no straightener, no curling iron. I said to Alexis "you know who's hair always looks really good with Hot Rollers?" she said "Annie Shortridge" and I said "YES" then we talked about how we wanted your hair.

  3. Lindsay says:

    Annie: (why a colon, and not a comma? Idk!!) today WAS a good hair day for you, for sure! I'm sorry I didn't actually tell you that when I saw you, though; apparently there was too much other stuff going on... :) Great session, though; I'm about to check out some stuff/ideas for next week, as well as blog and revise some assignments. Kinda like you mentioned you're doing, huh. :D Happy blogversary!!!

  4. Annie says:

    You three are so wonderful.

    Julia - how could I forget the baptism? My godson is PERFECT!
    Emily - you guys are too funny. Thank you.
    Lindsay - you are too sweet! What a crazy day yesterday but it was great!

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