a finger...

Posted by Annie On 3/10/2010 07:10:00 AM 0 comments

“Each small task of everyday life is part of the total harmony of the universe.”

–St. Theresa of Lisieux

UGH! I hate all the mundane little things I have to do every day!! Don't you? I probably have 3 more loads of dishes to do in my kitchen sink, and just about as many loads of laundry waiting. This morning I have already written an extra credit paper which it absolutely neccissary for my Abnormal Psychology course, tonight I REALLY need to just spend some time cleaning up projects that I have started... AND we are OUT OF TOILET PAPER!!

ha ha... wasnt my last post about living the life of my dreams? This is not especially fairy tale-esque.

But let me tell you about what happened to me with weekend...

Saturday... was a day that will live in infamy. I have never smashed my finger in a door before, but Saturday - oh Lordy! I did. And let me tell you, it was beyond terrible.

It has gotten better- don't worry. Yesterday I had a drumming project that went fairly well and only caused it to bleed a little. ;) Its mostly bruised and very swollen.

SO what does this have to do with anything? Well, aside from winning your sympathy and love... I was just thinking about my next post, when the quote at the top of this a page made its way through my email in-box. Let me tell you, living without a finger (it really hurts to do just about everything) is HARD!

So, today the topic of my post - the small holy thing I am opening myself up to - are the gifts we have, we are given, every day and we don't even think about.

We have to do small tasks in every day life and while they seem mundane, imagine what it would be like to not have the capability to do them. For the past 5 days I have been adjusting how I do things so that the task doesn't require my pointer finger. That's hard! I certainly cannot play my guitar... typing has completely changed... washing dishes is strange... and well, even buttoning pants or zippering jackets is a challenge.

laugh if you like... it's ok, I am sure I sound like a huge baby. But just try it. Try not using your hand for a day. Wear an eye patch. Use crutches, a wheelchair! Don't speak.

Last night, I went to my observation of a choir for adults with developmental disabilities. I do this every Tuesday for a class I am in this semester. This spring term the clients are putting together a concert of songs that have won Academy Awards. One of the pieces they are doing is "jai ho" from the movie "Slumdog Millionaire" and with this song they are dancing! It's actually very fun and the motions are easy enough that most of the clients can participate without much difficulty. However, there is one client who is blind. Now, this client can participate - they move very well. BUT! The dance is being taught verbally with phrases like now, "do the boxer" and then the therapist demonstrates the move. Now of course, the therapists are competent and worked with the blind client one on one to help her learn the moves... but I just was struck with how hard things would be if you were blind.

I know, I know... a very "duh" moment.

But really when do we actually stop and say "Thank God I can see"? When have we said, "I am so blessed to be able to walk"? I can get out of bed in the morning! I can bathe myself without help! I can drive a car and go where I please. I can think, I can talk, I can move, express myself... I am very blessed.

And even if you read this, and you can't do one of those things... what is a gift given to you that you take for granted? Your pancreas works and produces insulin. Your lungs work and you can breathe. Your heart pumps blood.

God GRIEF people! Our bodies are such an amazing gift to us. So, we have flaws... I'm chubby, Chris is diabetic, my brother is color blind, my mother hurt her knee, my dad's hair is turning gray, but who cares?! We are blessed to be given this opportunity to live life, flaws and all, and to live it with the gifts of our senses, with the gifts of our abilities, with the gifts of all that we have.

What about you are you taking for granted? Are you over looking, or in the times when you feel sad or depressed or just down on yourself what do you sweep under the carpet as being unimportant?

If you go out to the store today, be thankful that you can walk around to shop. If you work on the computer today, be thankful you can type. If you clean your house today, be thankful you can move. If you read a newspaper, text message, magazine, book, ANYTHING be thankful you can see. If you get sassed by your kids... be thankful you can hear.


If you cry because of a sad story you hear, be glad that you have that gift of compassion.
If you laugh with a friend today, be thankful that you have a gift to make someone happy.

Someone told me (in reference to the way I cook) that I have, "so much confidence to trust my instincts and just make up the recipe as you go." Another gift I didn't even realize I had!

What gifts have you been blessed with? Don't make this a harder question than what it is...
it's the little thing you accomplished today.


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