An update...

Posted by Annie On 12/30/2010 03:37:00 PM 1 comments

I woke up this morning...
dragged my congested, coughing, achy body out of bed...
stumbled into the bathroom...
burned out my cornea by flipping on the light (yeah... even the sun isn't up until at least 7:30)...
sat down and was greeted by this...

"This is because I love you. Forever. - Me"

This is why...
a) I love him
b) being up at 6am to go to an anatomy class was made a little better 
c) blogging makes a difference in the world

and then I looked back to the other side and saw this...

What am I supposed to do with this?



1 Response for the "An update..."

  1. Lindsay says:

    Yay! I finally visited your blog. Sorry about the sickness and of course about the anatomy, but seriously that is really sweet! :) See you in two weeks!

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