A new year

Posted by Annie On 1/06/2011 01:59:00 PM 2 comments

One of my new year's resolution was to blog more often, more often is defined as at the very least twice a week... and ideally every day... though let's be real (it's already January 6th), I know with school that wont happen. But we can try.

2010 was a year of a whole lot of challenges. Challenges in relationships, in the work place, in school... some challenges have been fruitful and positive, like working my butt off to get a C+ in Research... thank God. Some have been painful, like the end of things Mr. Bean and I were passionate about. There were long nights, and sad realizations about friendships. The year saw the heartbreak of broken relationships, the joy of 7 new babies, and the in between? where did it go?! Overwhelmingly, I am not sad to see 2010 go. I am trying not to be too negative, and in reality I am trying to not dwell on the parts of 2010 that hurt. There were a lot of great things as well... and all in all it doesn't really matter any more, I only have 2011 to look towards.

2011. Holy cow! How... ? When... ? I don't even know.

2011. There is so much promise, so much change on the horizon. It feels like for the first time I am who I have been trying to be. I'm not sure if that's coming across the right way... its just that in 2011 I will finish school, I will be somewhere where I want to be, I will be a better wife and hopefully less of a crazy person. I will strive to be more well rounded, a better friend, a better sister/daughter/family member. I foresee the opportunities to do more of what I want to do and less of what others want. And I don't mean that to be selfish. And I certainly do not want to seem lazy or self serving... but in 2011 there is so much hope on the horizon. My friend Janine at Looking for a Blue Sky put it really well writing, "There's a sense of optimism about this year that I've rarely felt in the past at the dawn of the new year."

I mentioned before in this post that I was once advised by a priest to find one thing each day that is a gift, to slow my always-looking-forward mind and appreciate what happens today. No matter how cruddy the day, the week, the month, the year is... I need to find something positive. Even if its going to bed at night and the fact that the day is over.

"The darkest hour has only 60 minutes." 
- Morris Mandel

A new year has come...with all of its promise and hope. My number one resolution is to not only blog more often, but to just be more positive while living in the moment. I am sure there will be hard times, but no matter what tough times don't last - tough people do! So, good riddance 2010, thanks for everything. And 2011, I think we'll be friends!


2 Response for the "A new year"

  1. Unknown says:

    Here's to 2011! And friends who keep each other motivated! I like the idea of finding at least one thing every day that's positive, no matter how bad the day was. Another friend of mine has decided to keep a journal this year, and every day she is going to write down 3 good things about that day. Maybe all it takes is a little change of perspective and we can always have that optimistic outlook?

  2. Anonymous says:

    I totally agree about optimism at the beginning of this new year... it felt different to me for some reason.

    Also, Annie -- YOU NEED TO BLOG MORE! even if it's nothing big, at least it's something! and something is always better than nothing, capito?

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